dimanche 16 janvier 2011

CT Call pour Mary89

Mary89 a besoin de vous :

" Hi everybody !!
I search Guests and permanent

Conditions :
- 1 or 2 pages per kits (1-2 kits/month)
- have a blog update
- have one or more galleries (dst imperative)
- ctm and praise are appreciate (instructions manual on my forum ct)

Send me an email (no pm) at : moncrapamoi@hotmail.fr
with the subject Guest call
Don't forget your blog and galleries links, your current CT and a short bio.

my blog : http://moncrapamoi.canalblog.com/
my store: http://www.digiscrapbooking.ch/shop/index.php?main_page=index&manufacturers_id=79

thanks "

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